Friday, December 11, 2009

Final Presentations

It was fun watching everyone's final presentation, comparing software and techniques, and getting to show off what we'd each worked on individually. The following is a breakdown of the presentations of the last two weeks:

Sylvia: A relationship, through college and high school
I was immediately struck at the difference between her final presentation and initial presentation. Good for her for getting started with ample time for tweaking the subject matter. Her story, with additional text screens, had a comprehensive story arc that made the relationship increasingly relevant throughout the piece. Especially with the ending, where each admitted they were reaching a crossroads and didn't really know what the future would bring. Great screen text, candids, and better order.

Mike: The Press Project
Mike's colors were really artistic - all a consistent muted orange-red-black-brown tone...that combined with the beats from the live show made his compelling and entertaining. Sometimes I struggled to hear the voices over the background noise, and found it hard to tell what was going on, but he put it together nicely with the ending: just freestyle from one of the shows. Made me wanna go watch one (that and the history of the band with close ups of boston venues - well done.)

Cam: NYC Marathon
Duh. What can I say? Phenomenal. Set the bar high for all of us following him. Took the time for diary entries, music, photo shopping for color, a comprehensive history and chronicle of a relationship with his dad. I left feeling queasy about my project. Spectacular job. Although I CAN say this: I do think once he learns final cut, he'll be making even better movies - so if this was done on premium software, I don't know how, but I imagine there would've been some way to improve it.

AJ: Pease Greeters
Solid subject matter and overall message - I was impressed with some of the interviews and unique history of the piece. I love feel-good stuff, and this was one of those. I do think some improvements could have been made with editing - the story arc, and making the audio easier to hear. Overall, some of the personalities she captured shined through, though - definitely an interesting story.

Danielle: Medical Marijuana
Some great quotes, great pictures. I love how she added the stairs at the start - she needed that, since the rest is in his room, where he feels he is a prisoner. She found someone willing to share and be completely open with the camera - just his simple audio paired with black and white pictures gave the desired effect - a little spooky and depressing. Great job Danielle.

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